Radiating Bodies, 2018

Radiating Bodies presents an exploration of the connection between the body, astronomy and mythological cosmology; beliefs based on early cosmological theories of scientific and non-scientific propositions.

Scientific reasoning has deduced answers for so much uncertainty previously felt in the world, but there is still a large gap in the human understanding of our own universe. The far-reaching expanse of space is still filled with mystery; which many people mythologize, but few have the chance to physically explore. Investigating how notions of magic are connected to and represented along side scientific hypotheses through myths about how the cosmos works, these works aim to overlap subjective information (stories, myths, personal connections to the stars) with scientific, fact based reasoning and documentation, questioning these dichotomous ways of thinking and highlighting their similarities.

The artist would like to acknowledge the support of Atelier Imago’s Annual Bursary and ArtsNB’s Creation Grant Program.

September 15 - 12 October 2017
Galerie Sans Nom